22 Years of Consciousness🍃

So once again I took a few years off my blog but like always, I return. I don’t know why but consistency is not my strong suit. It might be my air dominated natal chart or my undiagnosed ADHD lol. From my last post in 2019 to now I’ve experienced a plethora of gains, loses, and karmic cycles. I’m found myself, lost myself, and then realized there’s no such thing. You create your own reality, your own persona, your purpose. There was never anything to discover. All is mind, all is mental. We are all masterful crafters on an infinitely extending reality. This is what existence is, creation.

Now going into this post I had absolutely no direction with this. I just wanted to write again, even if it’s just streams of consciousness. I wanted to express myself to anyone who’s willing to listen. To just get pen to paper (or finger to ipad) of the million thoughts that spiral in my head.

Something about writing has always been so therapeutic for me. I always found it difficult to eloquently project through my lips the words my brain contained. Somehow my fingers communicate more beautiful than my mouth ever could. As if the neurons firing off that were meant to verbally communicate my thoughts command my finger tips to speak. I’m unsure if I’ll ever get to a point we’re I’m completely understood through words. I however do recognize the influence a combination of letters on a 2 Dimensional platform can have.

I have so many things I’ve learned over the years that I’d like to share with you all. As I mentioned before gains, loses, karmic cycles. I’ve truly dug deep into who I am through divination and astrology and I want to help others do that same. For once in my life I’d like to stay consistent with something and I hope this can be that thing. But if not, like always, I’ll return. 🙂

-utheverse ❤

I’ve been lost, found, and lost again

So how do I even start this off? Is anyone going to care or read this? I’m honestly not sure but I have to write right now. I have to share my thoughts with someone anyone. Oh how I’ve missed this. This form of true expression. I haven’t truly written something in three years. I haven’t posted on here in about the same period. So so much has changed. I’ve learned so much about the world and myself, but then again nothing at all. I’m still almost as lost as I was when I was 16. I am now 20 years old now. I’m married now and I’ve joined the military. It’s actually insane to type this out because I never imagined this would be my life. I’ve become more spiritual than ever. Yet I found myself today thinking about how truly lost I feel and disconnected. I realized I’m not doing my life’s purpose. I’m not expressing, I’m not writing. I’m not fulfilling myself in any way shape or form and that’s not okay.


You see I gave up this blogging lifestyle. It became a little overwhelming plus my heart was in it for the wrong reasons. I wanted fame, I wanted money two things that essentially don’t matter in the scheme of life. Now I desire to express. I desire to be heard. I desire to fulfill my wildest dreams. Even if I fail. Even if I don’t make millions. I realized that I cannot live a partially fulfilled life. I must live it to it’s max potential and so should you! Do not work or do things for money. Money is a construct. When you die there’s not rich or poor. No one cares. What matters is the experience you had here on earth. Now don’t get me wrong I recognize that this world runs on money. And as much as I don’t want to I have to play the money game for certain life experiences. But the important thing to remember is that its just a game. And that game will end. And after some time you might play a new game. So don’t take this one so seriously, just live.


Thank you so much for reading this if you did. I will be back posting about whatever fulfills my heart to post. And I hope someone will read.


– Eboni ❤




Random Beauty Question

Hey everyone I’ve been gone soooo long once again lol. I’ve really missed blogging but i’ve had so many personal problems this was put on the back burner. I really pressured myself with blogging and it got overwhelming and it burned out my passion. So now I just plan on writing a blog post here or there when i have free time! But omg being a senior in high school is stressful! Trying to get a job and applying to colleges can be overwhelming! But I’m also excited for my future.

Anyway my loves I have a beauty question! What’s your Ride or Die Liquid Lipstick?! 🙂

Thanks for reading!

~eboni  xoxo

Drugstore Haul!!

I’m so excited to bring you guys this post because this is my first haul post ever!! I recently got some birthday money, so you know I had to go get some makeup lol. I didn’t really get much because omg this stuff was more money than I thought it would be. But if you’d like to see some things I got then keep reading!
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I Reached 200 Followers :)


I can’t believe it, once again I’ve reached another milestone :). Not too long ago i made a post talking about how i reached 100 followers , i didnt think i’d get 200 so quickly! I hope this doesn’t come off as bragging, I’m just really excited and happy right now! I just want to thank anyone who is following my blog, or supporting me in anyway, it really means a lot. I’m very excited to continue growing as a blogger, and putting out content! Some days thinking of things to post is harder than others, but the love and support i get helps me out. I want to do something special for this milestone but I’m not sure what. Leave me some suggestions on what i should do in the comments! Anyways, i love each and everyone of you reading my blog posts! I hope you have a wonderful day or night wherever you are in this world!

Thanks For Reading!
-eboni xoxo

Find me Here!

Instagram: eboni_simmons

Twitter: ebonisimmons81

Buisness Inquires/ Contact : ebonisblogs@yahoo.com

Noxema Review!!

Hey guys it’s ya girl eboni and I’m back with another review! I was in publix and saw this product that I’m gonna be reviewing today and had to snag it. I mean it was only 3 dollars so I didn’t have much to lose! So if you’re interested in this product or just want to see how I like it then keep reading! Read More »